[BlindMath] Math content shown in Literary braille instead of Nemeth.

Shail M momdadofarushi at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 28 19:35:32 UTC 2021

Didn't realized that the equation editor content is converted to image. Updated the previous mail.



-----Original Message-----
From: BlindMath <blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Shail M via BlindMath
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 12:29 PM
To: Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics <blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Shail M <momdadofarushi at hotmail.com>
Subject: [BlindMath] Math content shown in Literary braille instead of Nemeth.


My daughter is using a combination of Windows laptop with JAWS, APH Mantis Q40 braille display and Equation Editor in Microsoft Word to solve Math questions. The problem we are facing is that Mantis shows Math in literary braille instead of Nemeth. For example:

22 = 4

Will comes as "two squared two equals 4" in literary braille on braille display and not in Nemeth.

Is there's a JAWS or Mantis setting that need to be enabled for this to work as expected?



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