[BlindMath] Advice for blind biomedical engineering student

Lucas Nadolskis nadol012 at umn.edu
Fri Jan 21 13:44:35 UTC 2022

Hello Jonathan.
Hope this email finds you well.

My name is Lucas Nadolskis.
I am currently a masters student in biomedical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

I have followed some of your emails in BlindMath, and I hope it is okay to send you this private email.

I have studied disciplines related with statistics throughout my life, I got my BS in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota. And I have always faced the general challenges that a totally blind student has on such classes with professors that had never seen a blind student before.

However, since I started my masters I am having difficulties I din’t have previously. Due to the size of CMU their office for disability is much smaller meaning I am doing much of the adaptations myself.

Those challenges include:
Conversion of papers heavily related on math content.
Accessing the slides from classes.
Reading textbooks.
Reading extra papers to facilitate understanding of the subject.

I wonder if you would be able to give me any kind of advice on any of these topics?

Thank you vey much.

Kind regards.

Lucas Nadolskis.

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