[BlindMath] Advice for blind biomedical engineering student

Lucas Nadolskis nadol012 at umn.edu
Fri Jan 21 15:24:40 UTC 2022

Hello Steve
I appreciate your email.
Pittsburgh is around the same today, but I would never say that I miss the Minnesota winter. I am originally from Brazil and arriving in Minneapolis was a frozen shock.

The problem in all of this is time.
I have classes which I need to read 3 pages around 20 pages each per class twice a week.
I have the full support of the office of disability here, and they have help from outsider contractors as well, however the time that it takes is the barrier.
That is the reason I end up doing a lot of conversions by myself.
Also, there are papers I want to read by myself, specially going on to the phd program.

I will definitely check what the office for rehabilitation services can help with. In fact, I remember working a lot with SSB in Minnesota.

Thank you very much.

Kind regard.s

Lucas Nadolskis.

> On Jan 21, 2022, at 10:09 AM, Steve Jacobson via BlindMath <blindmath at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Steve

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