[BlindMath] BrailleR - Viewing histograms with 200 breaks?

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 23:54:31 UTC 2022

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to save the output of the VI command
to a text file? My instructor wants to know what we notice when viewing
hosts with different breaks, including 10, 50, and 200. Sadly, my window is
too small for even 50, so I'm wondering if there are any recommendations
for viewing this insane number of data points, or even exporting the output
to a file? I can create a script to output to a text file, but that's a bit
annoying if your work is already in the R console.
Thank you,

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://brandonkeithbiggs.com/>

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