[BlindMath] Math with jaws

Michael Cantino mcantino at nwresd.k12.or.us
Thu Jan 12 17:09:17 UTC 2023

JAWS now supports Nemeth braille entry directly into Microsoft Word. You
would need:

   - A newer version of JAWS
      - I think this became available with JAWS 2021, so JAWS 2021 or newer
   - Word 365
      - Freedom Scientific has previously said this would work in Word
      2019, but last I checked, they're only recommending Word 365
   - Braille display
      - You can also enter braille using ASCII characters and a QWERTY
      keyboard, but most people don't know ASCII braille
      - I've been told that some braille displays won't work, but I have
      not encountered this. Freedom Scientific says that any braille display
      (that is compatible with JAWS) should work.

The command to open the JAWS math editor is a layered key command; first
press JAWS and spacebar, then press shift and equals.

You can read the Freedom Scientific documentation here

Michael Cantino (he/him)
BVIS Technology Professional Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Education Service District

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