[BlindMath] Z-score & Percentile Charts.

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 20:51:43 UTC 2023


Ray wrote: I've found tables for them online, but I haven't found one
that's accessible, that opens up fine in JAWS.  Does anyone know where I
could get one?

Back to me: One of the purposes of Charles Babbage's difference engine was
to accurately produce astronomical and mathematical tables. They could then
be printed so that every ship's navigator could do their calculations.

Then, accurate calculation was expensive and printing copies relatively
cheap. Today it's the other way around. I think that so long as you have
computer software for computing the values, creating an accessible form of
the tables should be straightforward.

For example, Python's math library gives you sine, cosine and logarithm out
of the box. Perhaps R will give you functions for computing values for
special functions used in statistics. I hope this helps.

By the way, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abramowitz_and_Stegun is a
standard advanced reference for this kind of thing. There I read that
because it is a US federal government work, it is not protected by
copyright in the US.

with kind regards


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