[BlindMath] FW: [BANA-Nemeth] Nemeth Code 2022

Susan Osterhaus osterhauss at tsbvi.edu
Wed Jan 31 23:23:22 UTC 2024

As a member of the BANA Nemeth Technical Committee, I am so excited to pass
along the good word from Jen Goulden – *The Nemeth Braille Code for
Mathematics and Science Notation 2022 *has been officially posted on the
BANA website!! Check it out and spread the word far and wide!!


*From:* BANA-Nemeth at groups.io [mailto:BANA-Nemeth at groups.io
<BANA-Nemeth at groups.io>] *On Behalf Of *Jen Goulden
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 31, 2024 8:47 AM
*To:* BANA-Nemeth at groups.io
*Subject:* [BANA-Nemeth] Nemeth Code 2022

Hi everyone,

I wanted to  let you all know that the PDF and the BRF files of the 2022
edition of the Nemeth Code have now been posted to the BANA web site.

Here is the link: https://www.brailleauthority.org/nemeth-code

A press release is coming, but in the meantime feel free to spread the word.

I’d like to express my sincere thanks to this committee for all the time
and effort you have put into this document!



Accessibility Compliance Support Manager

Chair, Braille Authority of North America

Treasurer, International Council on English Braille

343-804-0333 (Office)

613-552-4191 (Cell)

jgoulden at crawfordtech.com

Crawford Technologies Inc.

20 Bay Street, Suite 1105

Toronto, ON M5J 2N8


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