[BlindRUG] {Spam?} news for BrailleR package

Godfrey, Jonathan A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Thu Mar 17 03:54:43 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I decided to submit to CRAN today. It's been a long time since the last official release and there are plenty of small but useful additions to BrailleR. The details all appear in the NEWS file and are pasted here below my name.

I have my fingers crossed that the package gets past the CRAN people first time. This wouldn't be a first, but is pleasantly surprising when it does happen.


# v0.24.0
- Made ready for CRAN submission

# v0.23.10
- added MakeReadable() which cleans up vignette source files from installed packages, by converting tabs to spaces and Linux line breaks to Windows line breaks. This currently requires Python 2.7 to be installed.
-Added BrailleRHome() which takes the user to the BrailleR Project home page.
- Added JoinBlindRUG() which creates the email message needed for joining the Blind R User Group email list.

# v0.23.9
- added NewFunction() for creating a template R script file for a new function including Roxygen comment lines.
- fixed spacing problems in the output messages for MakeRmd()
- added constraint that some version of Python must be installed for WriteR() to work.
- added scope for WriteR() to call a file name for a file that does not yet exist. The file is created and then the application opens.
- added library(BrailleR) to first chunk created by UniDesc() and ifelse(VI, "library(BrailleR)", "library(knitr)") to the first chunk of the other convenience functions so the Rmd files can be converted without BrailleR being loaded. Discovered at University of Pretoria Boot Camp.
- Fixed MakeSlideshow() so that warnings for empty blank lines at the end of slides no longer appears.
- added MakeAllInOneSlide() function to be able to deliver slide show as a single file. Required for distributing talks given at DEIMS 2016

# v0.23.8
- Small changes to TwoFactors() so variable names get printed properly in tables.
- added author credentials to OneFactor(), OnePredictor(), TwoFactors(), and UniDesc().
- removed over-writing of files in example for TwoFactors(). Filenames will now indicate with or No interaction.
- dotplots in TwoFactors() have more meaningful filenames that reflect grouping variable used.
- fixed creation of ReadMe.txt in the MyBrailleR folder so that it gets the package version properly. Needed to include packageVersion() in the NAMESPACE file; also explicitly linked this command to the utils package in SetupBrailleR().
- added internal function .simpleCap() which is based on code in the example for toupper(); outcome is dependent on a new BrailleR option BrailleR.MakeUpper which is set to TRUE by default.
- added function SetMakeUpper() to control the presentation of variable names on graphs.
- made use of  .simpleCap() in UniDesc(), TwoFactors(), OneFactor(), and OnePredictor().
- fixed error in UniDesc where label for latex table was being garbled.

# v0.23.7
- WriteR() goes live. Does not make use of all arguments just yet.
- updated some of the vignette files
- added option for BrailleR.SlideStyle in readiness for MakeSlideShow() function that will turn a series of Rmd files into a set of html slides.
- fixed mismatch in BrailleR.Style option name.
- added internal function that will seek the path of the desired css file for the user.
- enhanced the SetupBrailleR() to copy css files
- added use of the css file chosen using BrailleR.Style to be used for UniDesc() etc.
- The MakeSlideShow() function is ready to go including addition of a contents slide.
- updated DESCRIPTION file to add GitHub links.

# v0.23.6
- reinstated use of a local file for local settings
- Added creation of "MyBrailleR" folder for user preferences and files. This only happens if the user agrees otherwise a temporary folder is created Thanks to Henrik Bengtsson for code suggestions and comments.
- settings files will be copied to the user folder if needed.
- fixed case sensitive typo in BrailleROptions settings file for BrailleR.Embosser
- SaveMySettings() and RestoreMySettings() functions now redundant; removed as they were never released publicly.
- introduced use of normalizePath(). Thanks to Henrik Bengtsson.
- made some changes to replace cat() with message(). Suggestion from Henrik Bengtsson. (might be more of them to fix.)
- added creation of Readme.txt file in the MyBrailleR folder which contains the date and the version of BrailleR being used.
- New version of WriteR 0.160105.3
- established GitHub repository at ajrgodfrey/BrailleR

# v0.23.5
- Implemented use of local settings stored in .BrailleROptions object (hidden)
- There is now  a set of defaults that can be restored in addition to the currently active set of preferences in the BrailleROptions file within the package.
- SaveMySettings() and RestoreMySettings() functions created for obvious outcomes. These are needed to protect from losing settings when the package is updated.
- A wrapper for WriteR is now included.
- MakeAllFormats() added to create pandoc settings files based on the foo.pandoc file in the inst folder.
- What's this figure? function WTF() now incorporated.
- added necessary import of grid package

# v0.23.4
- changed preferences to use local options files. Removed PREFERENCES from Inst folder.

# v0.23.3
- added fitted line plot to OnePredictor().
- altered tables to wide format instead of long where only one set of results given by UniDesc()
- added new version of history() that uses the file.edit() instead of file.show(). Thanks to Duncan Murdoch.
- added note to the Virk help page so that the explicit two step procedure for VI.lm() is described.
- made more use of message() and warning() for package feedback in preparation for multiple language support.
- removed windows architecture from batch file creations scripts.

# v0.23.2
- introduced use of pander for tables in html

# v0.23.1
- fixed MakeBatch() and PrepareWriteR() so that it works for new representations of windows versions. Discovered at the SZS 8 July 2015.
- fixed bug in OnePredictor() with use of Response when ResponseName was required. Discovered on 9 July 2015 during Skype call with SD.

# v0.23.0
- moved from import to importFrom in the namespace. This was required for the base packages being used so I did it for all packages.

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