[BlindRUG] accessible reference management software

Robin Williams Robin.Williams at atass-sports.co.uk
Mon Mar 12 10:04:24 UTC 2018


This question is probably better directed towards the Blindmath list, which is a more general purpose list for mathematics.

Personally I have no experience with such software. I wrote my PhD thesis in LaTeX and used the LaTeX bibliography management system (bibTeX), which worked well for me.

Best wishes,

From: BlindRUG [mailto:blindrug-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Nikita via BlindRUG
Sent: 10 March 2018 15:49
To: blindrug at nfbnet.org
Cc: Nikita <nikitamailings at yandex.com>
Subject: [BlindRUG] accessible reference management software

Hello everyone.
What are the variants for accessible  reference management software?
I'm interested in applications such as  Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote and the like that are accessible for screenreaders.
Which of the products in this class meet these requirements?
Sincerely, Nikita.
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