[Blindtlk] I feel that the blindness emphasis was important and valid

Robert J Smith rsmith247 at csc.com
Tue Aug 25 13:28:50 UTC 2009

Hi all.  I read the article about Matt Weigman and I feel that the 
blindness aspect was not overemphasized.  Weigman even mentions that he 
was bullied and teased at school and abused by his father which directly 
tied into his blindness since his father called him a "blind bastard".  He 
also said that he wanted to see the world with his eyes.  I believe that 
the author was simply telling it like it was.  The author did not imply 
that all blind persons just sit home and play with their phones all day 
and potentially become criminals that I could see.  To me, he simply 
described what happened to one person and telling about the circumstances 
that made his life especially prone to go in the direction that it did. 
His self image and blindness were not handled well by either his father's 
abuse or his mother's naive, hands-off approach so he drove his life off 
the tracks.

Bob Smith

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