[Blindtlk] PAC Mate for sale

Don Olson olsondo24 at verizon.net
Sat Feb 21 18:26:59 UTC 2009

For Sale:


When brand new, this package retails for over three thousand seven hundred
dollars. Today, this used PAC Mate QX Omni and accessories is being sold for
much less than half price. The entire package includes the notetaker, the
leather case from Executive Products, and 2 hours of phone training. When
you purchase the PAC Mate Omni, a copy of FSReader, An Ambicom wireless card
and a 2 GB compact flash card are included for free. Finally, the
Maintenance agreements are up to date through April 2009 on the notetaker.
In addition, ScanTalker is available at a third of its retail price.


Asking price for the PAC Mate Omni is nine hundred dollars, and three
hundred dollars for ScanTalker.


Please write or call to see how the Pac Mate Omni can work for you.

Don Olson

Home Phone: 703-920-0922

Work Phone: 202-707-9271

olsondo24 at verizon.net



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