[Blindtlk] NBP-Announce: KIDS: Our 2009 print/braille Valentines are here!

Tony Grima agrima at nbp.org
Fri Jan 9 20:57:31 UTC 2009

Our 2009 Print/Braille Valentines!
Small packets (20 cards): $10
Large packets (32 cards): $14

Who's there?

This year's print / braille Valentine tickles the funny bone with a new
take on the knock, knock joke.

On the front, the joke setup appears in print and braille:

       Knock, knock!
       Who's there?
       Frank who?

Inside, the answer is written in "secret code" - beautiful braille! Your
Valentines will use the clues in the chart provided to decipher the
joke's answer. (We're not telling you what it says!)

It's funny and not mushy - perfect for classmates, family, friends, or
anyone who needs a good laugh!

Small Packs: 20 print/braille Valentines plus envelopes: $10
Large Packs: 32 print/braille Valentines plus envelopes: $14

To see this year's design and place an order, visit


Our other Valentine cards are also still available - and on sale!

- "Good Friends" Valentines
- 2007 Secret Message Valentines (32 pack only)
- "U Rock" Valentines

To order any books, send payment to:
NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302
Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext
20. Or order any of our books online at
http://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/publications/index.html .

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