[Blindtlk] Question about Keratoprosthesis

Melissa N. Mehl mnmehl at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 01:35:07 UTC 2009

I am not sure if this forum is good for my question, but I am earnestly
seeking information for my husband from anyone who knows anything about the
procedure called Keratoprosthesis.  What are pros? cons? experiences? I am
also scouring the internet, but real conversation could help us understand
this procedure.

Background: My husband was born with anaridia, has glaucoma & stem cell
disfunction, has had several cornea transplants, and has lost his vision in
his right eye due to a retina detachment.  He is trying to decide what to do
to extend the limited sight in his left eye with the option of undergoing a
Keratoprosthesis to replace his cornea and lens.  He is maxed out on
glaucoma meds, so he probably will have to have a preemptive procedure to
replace his current tube shunt to minimize the certain increase in eye

Thank you in advance, and I apologize in advance to anyone who may be
annoyed at the misplacement of this post.

Melissa M., from MD

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