[Blindtlk] the NFB and Lions

Robert J Smith rsmith247 at csc.com
Wed Jul 15 11:56:01 UTC 2009

Hi all.  I have been a lion for about twenty years.  I have noticed more 
of what Cindy said in her message, that the clubs where I live 
(Indianapolis) are glad to give money to agencies and Leader Dog, and kind 
of don't know what to do as far as real local community service.  However, 
I have been club president twice and have found that as president, a Lion 
may get occasional calls for assistance with problems like specialized 
equipment repair, rent or bill money, groceries, etc.  I feel very good 
when I can steer someone in the right direction or to the right person for 
assistance.  I feel that part of my problem is that I am not very 
proactive, but I have found a couple valid functions I can perform for the 
club.  One of these is phone chairman (I call and remind people about 
coming meetings) and the other is publicity about events we are holding. 

As far as being invited to join, what Lion Dave Evans said is officially 
true.  I believe, though, that if you called your Lions State office and 
got the number of a club president in your area, that you could contact 
that person and express interest in not necessarily joining but attending 
a meeting and you would not be refused.

Also, there is enough NFB interest in Lionism that I remember reading 
about NFB Lions seminars which were going to be held at convention a 
couple years ago.  It's excellent that the NFB cares enough about its 
association with Lionism to move it along!  Lionism is a good way to help, 
and it needs innovative NFB interaction to make it even better.

Lion Bob Smith

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