[Blindtlk] How many children in America are not taught to read?

Gary Wunder gwunder at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 31 18:28:27 UTC 2009

I think they are melted so the material can be used to make other coins but 
this is just a guess.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <mike.sivill at viewplus.com>
To: "Blind Talk Mailing List" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] How many children in America are not taught to read?

Why do the unsold coins have to be melted down at midnight on December 31st?
>  From Dr. Maurer:
> Subject: [Brl-campaign] How many children in America are not taught to
> read?
> The answer is 90 percent if the children are
> blind.  Most Americans are shocked to hear this
> statistic.  And we should be.  The blind read and write using
> Braille, so why is our educational system failing
> to teach Braille to so many children?  Why are
> these children being denied the opportunities that come
> with a proper education?  What if you could not
> read and write?  Where would you be today?
> There are three primary reasons for this
> educational crisis: (1) there are not enough
> Braille teachers; (2) some teachers of blind children have not received
> enough training; and (3) many educators do not
> think Braille instruction is even necessary.
> To bring critically-needed attention to this
> educational crisis, the United States Congress
> authorized the minting of the 2009 Louis Braille Bicentennial
> Silver Dollar with a portion of the sale of each
> coin going toward a revolutionary and
> comprehensive Braille literacy campaign.
> Learning to read and write is fundamental to
> education, which in turn is paramount to full and
> equal participation in American society.  This coin, the
> first U.S. coin to have proper tactile Braille,
> symbolizes independence, opportunity, and the
> potential of blind people to make significant contributions
> to society when they learn to read and write
> using Braille.  To learn more, read our report
> The Braille Literacy Crisis in America,
> or watch our video
> Making Change with a Dollar.
> Please purchase this unique and beautiful coin now
>   and help solve this educational crisis for blind children in America.
> The law authorizing this 2009 silver dollar
> requires that any coins not sold by midnight on
> December 31, 2009, be melted down.  Time is of the essence­­a
> 90 percent illiteracy rate is not acceptable and
> the opportunity to purchase this coin will soon be gone.
> Be part of the solution, give the gift of
> literacy, and create new opportunities.
> Please buy the Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar now.
> Marc Maurer, President
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