[Blindtlk] Needing Feedback and Support

Ray Foret Jr rforetjr at att.net
Thu Dec 9 21:52:48 UTC 2010


I must be frank with you here.  At first, part of me was wondering just how comfortable you really are with your own blindness.  Then, I reread your message, and the one just now.  In your message just now, you say in part, ". I just get burnt out on the negative assumptions, and the unwillingness to listen to what I say".  But, here's the thing.  Do you have a habbit of waiting too long before you say something and maybe that's why people don't listen?  In answering this, I'm not asking you to be honest wiht me so much as with yourself.

Just something to think over.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

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On Dec 9, 2010, at 10:52 AM, Graves, Diane wrote:

> . I just get burnt out on the negative assumptions, and the unwillingness to listen to what I say

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