[Blindtlk] Opinions of the RefreshABraille from APH

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 04:01:16 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I hope this is the right listserv to post this question. I have been
using a BrailleNote PK for notetaking and writing, and I also have a
netbook with JAWS that I use for all my other computing functions.
Recently my BrailleNote crashed and I found out that it would cost
more than a thousand dollars to have it fixed. Since I don't need most
of the Braille Note's features and would mostly just like to be able
to write documents in Braille and read what I am writing on the
Braille display, I am considering getting the RefreshaBraille from
APH, a small Braille display and Braille keyboard that plugs directly
into the PC via a USB or bluetooth connection. I was wonderin if
anyone has experience with this relatively new device, or if anyone
has any opinions (good or bad) or recommendations before I go ahead
and decide whether or not to get it. Is this device reliable and do
the drivers work well with JAWS?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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