[Blindtlk] does anybody know him?

Robert J Smith rsmith247 at csc.com
Thu Jul 8 11:26:11 UTC 2010

Hi all.  I'm trying to find a blind friend who I knew when I was a kid. 
His name is Dave Johnston and I knew him in the late fifties through the 
sixties.  He spent a fair piece of his childhood in Westchester, Illinois. 
 His dad was in the vending program.  I had heard that he had gone to 
Texas, and had at least one child.  I'm not sure if he is affiliated with 
the NFB or any other organization of the Blind, I'm just trying to see if 
anybody knows him or knows of him on this list.  If anybody knows him, 
please email me at "bozbirdman at msn.com".  I'm not requesting any contact 
information at this point.

Thanks much in advance,

Robert Smith

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