[Blindtlk] Eye Research Participants Sought, yoga intervention for symptoms related to severe visual impairment
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Sat Jul 24 17:43:18 UTC 2010
I am writing to invite you to consider participating as a volunteer in a
research study: "Development of a yoga intervention for symptoms
related to severe visual impairment". It is being conducted at the
Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center, a division of the
Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University.
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a yoga
intervention specifically for people with severe vision loss due to
retinitis pigmentosa or other ocular diseases. The yoga will combine
postures, breathing, and meditation to try to help visually impaired
people who may be experiencing problems with sleep, stress or
balance. Yoga is easily implemented and accessible regardless of
level of experience. Dr. Pamela Jeter, who has previous experience
teaching yoga to people with visual impairments, will lead the classes.
Prior to the yoga program, you will take several tests to find out if you
are eligible. These include standard vision tests, a balance test, and
questionnaires about sleep, mood and your general health. Your
eyes will need to be dilated for one of the vision tests. You will repeat
the same tests after the yoga intervention. During the 8-week yoga
intervention phase, you will participate in a yoga class with an
instructor once a week at our center at the Johns Hopkins Medical
campus in Baltimore. You will be asked to practice yoga twice a week
on your own at home following an audio CD. The entire study will
require your participation for a total of about 12-weeks for
approximately 3-4 hours per week.
To qualify for participation in the study, one must have a visual acuity
of 20/200 or worse, but better than light perception, and/or a visual
field that is less than 20 degrees, in the better eye. Your vision will be
evaluated at the first session to determine that your current level of
vision falls into the range we wish to evaluate during this study. We
will also request records from your last eye exam to be abreast of
your current diagnosis and visual status.
At the end of the study, we will offer you a modest honorarium of $25
for your participation. In addition, we will offer parking validation for the
study visits to our center. We will give you a yoga mat to use for the
intervention and to continue with your practice at home when the study
We very much appreciate your willingness to consider participation in
this research study. Your participation in Hopkins research is of great
importance to progress in managing eye diseases and their effects.
If interested, please send an email to Dr. Pamela Jeter at
pjeter1 at jhmi.edu. You may also contact her by phone at 410-5026434.
She looks forward to working with you.
Principal Investigator: Ava Bittner, O.D.
Study team: Gislin Dagnelie, Ph.D. and Pam Jeter, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center, a division
of the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University
Application Number: NA_00039032
David Andrews: dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920
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