[Blindtlk] Janet Caron

Dan Hicks danjhicks at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 5 04:10:55 UTC 2010

I am shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Janet Caron. 


I have known Janet for about 20 years. When I first met her, she struck me
as someone who was full of ideas and energy. She was committed to the NFB
and the NFB of Florida, and the remained so until the end of her life. 


Janet served on the state board of directors for quite a few years and
attended several Washington Seminars. She was one of the he very top sellers
of Associates in the nation, for as long as that program existed. It was
always her goal to earn one of those red, white, and blue ribbons for sales
of the associates program, and she met that year most, if not all, of the
years she was involved in the program. I have know idea how much money she
earned for the NFB's treasury through the program, but I am sure that it was

During my term as editor of the NFB of Florida's magazine, I knew that I
could always count on Janet for an article, encouraging other NFBF members
to gather associate members. 


Janet was a valued member of at least a few chapters in the time she was
with us, and was always a valued member of the affiliate. 


I have always felt fortunate to count Janet as a friend, and will miss her
support, her sense of humor, and her warmth. We are all richer for having
had the experience of knowing Janet Caron, even as we are all poorer to be
without her tonight. 


Janet was famous for her hand-made, jewelry, which she often exhibited and
sold at convention. Her necklaces were worn by many women at NFB banquets,
and I am sure these one-of-a-kind pieces will be seen at our banquets years
to come. 


There is so much more that I could say, but I will leave that for others to
join in. 


Rest in peace, Janet. Thank you for being a federationist and a friend to
all of us. 


Dan Hicks, President

National Federation of the Blind of Florida



"He who has why to live can bear almost any how" 
                   -Friedrich Nietzsche


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