[Blindtlk] Dining in the Dark Discussion

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Mar 15 01:22:01 UTC 2010

Over the past few days there has been some spirited discussion here 
about a "Dining in the Dark" article and experience.  There were 
several viewpoints -- and after everything is said and done, I hope 
that each of us understands some of the issues involved.  I think we 
will also understand that those issues are important to some of us, 
and less important to others of us -- for whom other issues may come 
to the fore.  There has also been some name calling and judging of 
others that has gone on here, and that needs to come to a 
stop.  Let's move on, remain civil and learn from each other.

If people persist with inappropriate name calling and other 
ill-mannered behavior I will be forced to take stronger action.  And, 
if you disagree with this message or feel the need to defend 
yourself, please don't.  It all needs to end here.

David Andrews, Moderator and List Owner

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