[Blindtlk] Missouri Association of Guide Dog Users

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 22 00:25:37 UTC 2010

Please circulate the following message as widely as appropriate!

March 21, 2010


            Are you a guide dog user or someone interested in issues of guide dog use who lives in Missouri? Would you like to do something that would have a major impact on matters concerning guide dog users while making a real difference in your community? Would you like to become a part of the oldest, largest, and most influential organization of the blind in the United States?

            The National Association of Guide Dog Users, a strong and proud division of the National Federation of the Blind, is seeking dynamic, energetic individuals in Missouri who are interested in joining our growing network of nationwide advocates. Interested individuals are asked to join us for a teleconference on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 8:00 pm CDT. To join the teleconference, please call 641-715-3300. When prompted, enter the participant code 560908#.

            If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me. My contact information is below my signature.


Fraternally yours,

Marion Gwizdala, President

National Association of Guide Dog Users

National Federation of the Blind


President at NFB-NAGDU.ORG


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