[Blindtlk] Anyone on here ever start a business? Mari Hunziker

Gary Wunder gwunder at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 25 19:42:13 UTC 2010

Hi Mari.  I hope this is helpful.


 ---- Original Message ------
From: "Kevan Worley" <kevanworley at blindmerchants.org
Subject: RE: [Blindtlk] Anyone on here ever start a business? 
Mari Hunziker
Date sent: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 08:02:01 -0600

	I look forward to speaking with Mari.  I can be reached at
Kevanworley at worleyenterprises.com or by phone, office: (866) 
Nicky Gacos is the President of the National Association of Blind 
He can also be reached at the number above, extension 10.
	There are 2,500 Blind Entrepreneurs operating small ventures 
the Randolph Sheppard program.  Information about this 
Vocational Rehabilitation Program can be obtained through your 
local state
agency for the blind.  Entrepreneurs in Randolph Program 
primarily operate
vending machine, concessions, snack bar and cafeteria businesses.  
Some of
these blind vendors have moved outside of the Randolph Sheppard 
program to
operate other businesses.  There have also been blind 
entrepreneurs who have
successfully owned, operated, and managed businesses including 
completely unaffiliated with Randolph Sheppard.
	 We hope Mary is a member of her local NFB chapter.  We look 
to having her as a member or our National Association of Blind 
which is a strong division of NFB.  Nicky Gacos or I look forward 
to sharing

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Wunder [mailto:GWunder at earthlink.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 10:53 AM
To: 'Kevan Worley'
Subject: FW: [Blindtlk] Anyone on here ever start a business?

Maybe you can help this woman.  See you soon my friend,


-----Original Message-----
From: blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org 
[mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Mari Hunziker
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 10:21 PM
To: Blind Talk Mailing List
Subject: [Blindtlk] Anyone on here ever start a business?


This is a blind issue because I am blind.  I have a great 
business idea.  I
know the location where I know the business will succeed.  I just 
seem to be
sabotaging myself because of pure fear.  Silly, I know.  But I 
guess I'm just
afraid to fail.  So, I ask, Has anyone on this list or do you 
know any blind
or visually blind people who have ever started their own 

Please let me know.  I am in the process of researching how to 
write a
business plan, seek investors, grants, financing, etc.

Thank you,
Mari Hunziker
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