[Blindtlk] Health & fitness?

Mari Hunziker marihunziker at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 23:50:30 UTC 2010

Hello Fellow NFB members,

I'd like to know on here who is actively involved in some sort of daily
physical activity? What do you do and how do you do it? I have noticed
myself becoming a bit more fatigued when climbing up the stairs, going on a
walk with my children, etc. I even get tired when doing simple house work
like vacuuming or mopping. I have even gained some weight and want to do
something about it. I used to be quite active and very involved in the
Braille Olympics and the USABA. I used to love to tandem bike ride and
probably everything under the sun that was fun. I miss being active and
probably haven't in the last 15 years and it is finally catching up to me
and my body is now screaming for attention. I was thinking of getting a
WiiFit game. A lot of my friends do that for exercise especially in our
unpredictable Texas weather. One minute its super HOT and the next minute
your in a down pour- thunderstorm. I don't know how visual the Wii Fit game
is. I am assuming it is pretty visual, especially compared to the DVD
workout videos. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thank you,
Mari Hunziker

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