[Blindtlk] Soldering revisited

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 16:26:02 UTC 2011

Hey everyone,

Once upon a time, we had a discussion on this list about soldering 
wires and the like.  A suggestion made was to take the solder, pound 
it flat with a hammer, and then wrap it around the wire/terminal 
being soldered.  Then you need only heat the connection a few seconds 
so that the solder can melt and make a solid electrical connection.

I can tell you that this technique works pretty well for stranded 
wire or stranded to solid wire (such as the leads of an LED for 
example), and could probably be done for two solid wires if you had 
sufficient success using third hand clips to hold the thing still 
long enough.

But I want to be able to solder packages with pins on 0.1 inch 
centers.  Transistors, old-fashioned DIPs, that kind of thing.  I 
brought it up on nfb-hams, and nobody’s volunteered a brilliant 
strategy yet, so I figured I’d ask a wider audience.  *smile*

I’m sure it must be possible for a blind guy to do it—I’m just not 
sure how yet.  Advice welcome!

Joseph - kf7qzc

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