[Blindtlk] NFB’s talking DMM

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 20:34:39 UTC 2011

I needed a new DMM anyway, so I ordered the talking one from the 
NFB’s Independence Market.  It comes with pretty scant printed 
documentation (a single sheet) in very small print Engrish, marking 
the product as most definitely made in China.  The specs tell me it 
is quite adequate to the task I bought it for, but I’m a wondering 
about the test leads.

They aren’t using standard banana plugs, which makes sense given the 
talk button and LED in each probe.  But the connector looks like it 
will still accept a standard banana plug.  Looks can be deceiving 
though (yes, it’s true even if you’re blind!) and I’d rather not cook 
my new meter just yet!  *grin*

Clearly the LED pins can be at least shorted, since the talk button 
does exactly that.  But a normal banana plug might or might not short 
them to the test lead as well.

Has anybody let out the magic smoke doing it?  *grin*

Joseph - KF7QZC

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