[Blindtlk] How do you use crutches?

Chasity Jackson chasityvanda at charter.net
Tue Aug 30 23:27:00 UTC 2011

Hi Everyone,

I was just curious if anyone can explain how to use crutches? I know you 
hold them under your arm and hold the handles down below...But when do you 
put each one in front of you in conjunction to walking? Do you, for 
instance, put the right crutch out when you step with your left foot? I just 
had foot surgery and I am in a cast. Crutches will help me. I asked my 
Podiatrist and the people at the surgery center to help me, but they said 
since they weren't technically licensed to do that, they weren't legally 
allowed to show me. Is it possible to use crutches and a cane? If not, I'm 
not terribly worried about it. I am mainly planning to use them around the 
house anyway to keep some of the weight off of my healing foot. Any tips and 
tricks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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