[Blindtlk] Fwd: Epic software question.

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Wed Jun 1 17:24:42 UTC 2011

The following inquiry comes from a technology specialist at the Department of Services for the Blind here in Washington.
Please write to Mr. Mello directly as indicated below.
Mike Freeman
sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Mello, Michael (DSB)" <michael.mello at dsb.wa.gov>
> Date: June 1, 2011 10:06:03 PDT
> To: <k7uij at panix.com>
> Subject: Epic software question.

> Mike, I am looking for blind persons who use the Epic charting software commonly used in hospital systems. I have a client who needs access to this software, and before we reinvent the wheel I would like to see if anyone already has a solution.
> I was hoping you could forward on my request to the appropriate email lists. Please have people contact me at Michael.mello at dsb.wa.gov or via phone at 206-906-5552.
> Thank you for your help.
> Michael J. Mello | Access Technology Specialist
> Washington State Department of Services for the Blind
> Reminder: All offices of the Department of Services for the Blind will be closed for a Temporary Layoff day on June 13, 2011
> Direct: 206-906-5552
> Toll Free: 800-552-7103
> Mobile: 206-605-7332
> Fax: 206-721-4103
> Michael.Mello at dsb.wa.gov
> 3411 South Alaska Street
> Seattle, WA 98118

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