[Blindtlk] Frisbee

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Jun 6 17:54:57 UTC 2011

Hello all!

The other day my teen age son and I were talking.  He expressed an interest 
in playing Frisbee with me.    I am totally clueless as to how I might be 
able to accomplish this.  Does anyone have any ideas?  should we start 
looking for other outdoor activities we can do together instead?

How about bad mitten?  Has anyone had any success nonvisually?  We have a 
regular set, but I'm willing to purchase anything that would make it 

I'd also welcome any other ideas for family friendly activities we can do in 
the yard.  My son and step daughters are all teens if that helps with 
suggestions.  My son and I are not super athletically talented, but do enjoy 
outdoor activities.

Thanks muchly!

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