[Blindtlk] This and That

Keith Wiglesworth hwiglesworth at carolina.rr.com
Mon Jun 27 14:02:24 UTC 2011

Hi Diane,
    This was well put and I couldn't agree with you more.
    Frankly, I have a problem with blind people who are too worried about not offending anyone.I don't mean I deliberately want to do that, but as you say, there are times when we have to take a stand about what we believe in.
    If we let society dictate what we will and will not do, well, you and I know that we won't accomplish much because most of society would prefer that we just get out of the way, and wait for those crumbs from the table.
    I think we should speak and yell if need be, and once in a while that means getting a bit ugly as we say here in the south, but if we don't yell a bit sometimes no one will hear us.
    You've got this right.

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