[Blindtlk] Who Bathes You?

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Sat Mar 5 08:22:56 UTC 2011

I still stand by what I said in my previous two messages on this 
thread, but Angelina has a point.

We should try to be ambasadors for the blind. Something tells me that 
we already do that. It's good that we have a list like this on which we 
can rant and be honest with each other, and provide one another with 
enough moral support to deal with the fact that we have to respond 
civilly to such clueless questions. Some people do ask them from 
genuine curiosity, so we should regard them with genuine honesty and 
civility as well. I think most of us know the difference between that 
and plain condescending comments.
That being said, I'm curious about something:
Are there any of you out there who have never been asked such 
questions? Are there any blind or VI people who haven't been presented 
with asumptions about them because of their blindness? Because if so, 
I'd like to know what they are doing to avoid that sort of thing. I 
wonder if that sort of person would have to present themselves in a 
uniqueway in order to be susseptible to rediculous comments or 
questions about their daily living routines due to their blindness.

Just wondering...

All best

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