[Blindtlk] gardening

Julie J julielj at neb.rr.com
Tue Mar 15 16:58:25 UTC 2011


My spring project is to start a container garden...again.  *smile*  Over the years I've had about every configuration of garden, traditional, square foot, container and houseplants.  I've pretty much killed them all off in short order.   I'm wondering if there is an NFB list specific to gardening or if not does anyone know of a list elsewhere for blind gardeners?

Most of my plant woes have nothing to do with my blindness, but more about things like forgetting to water. *smile*  Still I'm wanting to learn and I have questions about how to distinguish the plants I'm trying to grow from the weeds.  I also wonder about nonvisual ways to figure out if there are problems with bugs, plant diseases or soil problems.  

If it helps narrow down the suggestions I'm only interested in growing vegetables and herbs.  This year I am only growing in containers, although if I can get something to grow I might consider plowing up part of my yard next year.  I live in south east Nebraska, which is zone 5, I think.

Ideas?  Resources? Suggestions?

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