[Blindtlk] tripple-A's while charging rechargeables

Robert J Smith rsmith247 at csc.com
Tue May 31 14:46:22 UTC 2011

Hi all.  For those who own one of the Olympus Dm-model recorders, I have 
recently been given a dm-4 and it is ultra-cool!  One neat little thing I 
found out is that for the dm-4 and very possibly others, you can put 
regular tripple-A batteries into it and charge the rechargeable batteries 
that came with the unit using a standard Radio Shack battery charger, 
since they look just like tripple-A batteries.  This way you can use your 
Olympus unit all the time as long as you have a set of standard tripple-A 
batteries to switch in and out, and a standard Radio Shack battery 

Bob Smith
p.s.  Thanks David Evans for that button narrative in your message to 
Bonnie.  It helped me learn a few things as well.

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