[Blindtlk] watch batteries

Jennifer Piening pienings at comcast.net
Sat Oct 1 18:13:07 UTC 2011

Hi!  Wow, that's strange that they will not change the battery for your 
Braille watch at Walmart.  I've gotten mine changed their in a pinch 
several times, and they've done it with no questions asked.  One time I 
brought my watch to Radio Shack.  I've also brought watches to jewelry 
stores and haven't had to pay any more than at Walmart.  I don't know if 
I'd pay $50 for a new battery.  Sure, the 5 year warranty is nice, but I 
find that watches these days don't last much more than 3 or 4 years at 
the most.  For a while, a Braille watch wasn't surviving on my wrist for 
more than several months.  I gave up for a while, and then my mom got me 
one for my birthday, and it's lasted for several years.  I'm so glad, 
because I love having a Braille watch.  Talking watches and clocks were 
never able to replace my Braille watch.  Everybody always could hear 
when I was checking the time, because I was never able to find a way to 
make them talk quietly enough.  LOL

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