[Blindtlk] clothes shopping

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Wed Sep 28 21:03:12 UTC 2011

Hello ladies!

I'm wondering if any of you have favorite web sites where you shop for 
work clothes.   I'm looking for business casual attire in classic 
colors, like navy, black, dark green, dark brown etc.  I've looked at a 
lot of web sites and haven't found any that describe the clothes very 
well.   Or if they do have good descriptions the site is difficult to 
navigate with JAWS. My absolute ideal would be if they made suggestions 
of what matched with what, but so far I haven't found any that do.

I need to do most of my clothes shopping on the internet.  There is only 
one womens clothing store in the town where I live.   I do travel to 
other towns and take advantage of the shopping opportunity when I can, 
but I still like to shop on my own at home on the internet.

All recommendations are welcome! Thanks in advance,

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