[Blindtlk] FW: [Nmabs] *For High School Students Only* Nabs High School CommitteePresents: Bullies and Blindness.

Zach zach2012 at chickerland.com
Sat Apr 28 00:45:40 UTC 2012

Sent from my BRAILLENOTE Apex

---- Original Message ------
From: Darian Smith <dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Subject: [Nmabs] *For High School Students Only* Nabs High School 
CommitteePresents: Bullies and Blindness.
Date sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 17:24:36 -0700

To All High School Students

• Have you been bullied because of your blindness?
• Do you ever worry about what would happen if you were to be 
• Would you like to seek advice from other blind students?

Join the NABS high school group to discuss these situations and 
to handle them on Sunday April 29th at 7:00 p.m eastern

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