[Blindtlk] Accessible World Tek Talk presents “ALT” – the first of U-R-Able’s Acceleration Technologies with Rob Nevin and Hans Lienert

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Aug 2 02:18:57 UTC 2012



Accessible World Tek Talk presents “ALT” – the 
first of U-R-Able’s Acceleration Technologies with Rob Nevin and Hans Lienert

Rob Nevin, from U-R-Able, has completed a 3 month 
deep review of their product ALT with a team of 8 
from the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) 
Research and Development Committee.  ALT – the 
first work-flow accelerator for blind and 
low-vision workers has received positive reviews 
as from the team as it works with all Windows 
based software products and converts complex and 
frequent tasks, into single steps with its unique semantic interface.

ALT cooperates with all software, all screen 
readers, all screen magnification products and 
delivers to its users – speed, focus and silence.

Speed – as complex process steps, often requiring 
many composite keystrokes for screen readers or 
magnifiers, into single tasks performed at the 
speed of the computer, not the user.

Focus – as the user need only consider the 
end-state of the task (ie, I want to search for a 
price or a phone number or upload a file via FTP, 
etc.) while ALT completes the journey steps automatically.

Silence – for screen reader users, all the 
Journey steps (the loading of the application 
product, the loading of the file, the completion 
of the searches or navigation to the final 
destination) is all completed silently with the 
full return to screen reader controls at the end of the Acceleration Job.

You won’t want to miss this as the presentation 
will include interviews from ALT users, those 
who’s conversations have changed from “I am being 
measured against a difficult standard” to “I am 
exceeding the throughput of my sighted co-workers”.

ALT will be demonstrated and opportunities to 
pose questions to Rob Nevin and Hans Lienert from 
the software engineering company (Drager and 
Lienert) from Germany, the authors of ALT.  You 
will hear, during the course of the presentation, 
how ALT is used by Educators, CEO’s, Technology 
experts, Lawyers, Call Centre workers and 
more.  Each with the common desire to excel in 
their work and be relieved of the tedium of 
unnecessary typing/listening/filtering for common and repeated tasks.

With the latest version of ALT, announced at the 
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) 
convention, ALT now provides hundreds of screen 
reader functions, each available for use 
free-standing or for use within ALT 
accelerators.  Changing between screen reader or 
screen reader versions?  Not a problem as ALT 
manages all the back-end interactions.

Presenters: Rob Nevin and Hans Liemert

E-Mail: rob at u-r-able.com

Date: Monday August 6, 2012

Time:  5:00 p.m. Pacific, 6:00 p.m. Mountain, 7:00 p.m. Central,

                         8:00 p.m. Eastern and 
elsewhere in the world Tuesday 12:00 GMT.

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Accessible World Contacts:

Robert Acosta, Chair

Accessible World


Email: boacosta at pacbell.net


Marcia Moses, Events Coordinator

Accessible World


Email: mgmoses at comcast.net

Steve Hoffman, President

Talking Communities

Email: steve at talkingcommunities.com

The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands 
For The Blind, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit 
organization, seeks to educate the general 
public, the disabled community and the 
professionals who serve them by providing highly 
relevant information about new products, 
services, and training opportunities designed 
specifically to eliminate geographic and access 
barriers that adversely affect them

Robert Acosta, President
Helping Hands for the Blind
Email: <mailto:boacosta at pacbell.net>boacosta at pacbell.net
Web Site: <http://www.helpinghands4theblind.org>www.helpinghands4theblind.org

You can assist Helping Hands for the Blind by 
donating your used computers to us. If you have a 
blind friend in need of a computer, please mail us at the above address.

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