[Blindtlk] Encouraging Medical Students To Be Retina Doctors

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Tue Feb 21 02:52:41 UTC 2012

Hi I'm 57 years old and have never seen. Because I have never had any vision, I can't even comprehend what It would be like to see. Six years ago however I lost half of my hearing and while waiting for my aides to arrive I found it very stressful to try to hear what was going on around me. It literally made my shoulders neck and head hurt. I realize that this isn't the same thing but to try to handle all of the visual input would be extremely stressful for me. For me. I know that I would know what nothing wasbecause my brain has never experienced anything like that. If i could see though I would like to see my son's face and red hair and see my husband's face but on the other hand I don't know If I would even know if it was a face.

Sheila Leigland

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