[Blindtlk] Election Question

Hyde, David W. (ESC) david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us
Mon Jun 11 14:06:49 UTC 2012

I have been asked to post a question regarding election procedure. In Wisconsin, if there is not a Federal race on the ballot, and one requests assistance in voting (for whatever reason, the machine doesn't work, or the individual wishes to vote using a human reader) The person giving the assistance is required to sign the ballot. It is maintained that HaVA does not apply since it pertains to Federal races.
The question I have is two fold. For those of you who are attorneys, Is this non-applicability of HAVA in non-Federal races a correct interpretation.
Secondly, what does your state require for those who are assisted by other humans in voting? Does is require a signature from the reader?

The concern here, and legitimately so, is that particularly in small towns, the signature on the ballot would identify the voter as one needing assistance, and potentially nullifying the idea of a secret balot.

David Hyde, Professional Development Coordinator Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired 1700 W. State Street Janesville WI 53546
608-758-6152 (office)
608-751-0960 (cell)
608-758-6169 (fax)
866-284-1107 ext. 34 (toll free)
david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us<mailto:david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us>

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