[Blindtlk] Fwd: College student travel to the NFB Conference

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Jun 25 19:42:35 UTC 2012

>Dear Mr. Andrews,
>Please help me get to this year's conference by passing along the 
>message below to any lists or members of the community.  I am a 
>blind college student who has been working with CVI and NFB in 
>Atlanta since I was a baby.
>CVI's Memri Lerch and Stephanie K. Holloway suggested that I post to 
>mailing lists, but no moderators have responded for weeks. Please 
>approve and pass along this message to members of the community!
>I am a blind college student chosen to be in the Collegiate 
>leadership Program for this year's NFB conference in Dallas, TX.
>I have not been able to get a ride to Texas. Please connect me with 
>any groups or families going that have a spare seat, or any groups I 
>can travel with on public transportation. This would be a great help.
>Thanks so much!
>Caitlyn Seim
>Electrical Engineering Major
>Georgia Institute of Technology
>Email : ceseim at gatech.edu

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