[Blindtlk] Correction: ViewPoints features How to Use Social Media

blueskies11 blueskies11 at torpey.info
Wed Oct 10 12:38:36 UTC 2012

Correction: we inadvertently posted the announcement for next week's episode
of ViewPoints (#1242) on the Accessibility of the iPhone.  That episode is
not yet available.  You can look for it next Wednesday at about this time.


This week's episode is an interview with Jonathan Mosen of Freedom
Scientific who discusses several social media tools and how they can be used
by the blind.  This is a follow up to last week's show on why a visually
impaired person might want to use social media.


Anyway, here is the announcement for this week's show:


ViewPoints 1241 10-10-12 How to Use Social Media
Show Notes
Learn how you can use social media with little or no vision. Hosts Nancy &
Peter Torpey talk with Jonathan Mosen about how to work effectively with
Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, AudioBoo and HeyTell and which to use for
what purpose. This follows last week's episode about why social media can be
a valuable tool for the visually impaired. 


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