[Blindtlk] Accessible Apps for Geocacheing

Chris Nusbaum dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 19:36:30 UTC 2013



I am wondering if any of you participate in the game of geocaching. If so,
are there any accessible apps one could use for this purpose? Many of my
sighted friends geocache as a hobby, and the game seems very interesting.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,




Chris Nusbaum, Co-Chair

Public Relations Committee

Maryland Association of Blind Students: a division of the National
Federation of the Blind of Maryland

Phone: (443) 547-2409

Email: dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com

Personal Twitter: @Chrisn98

MDABS Twitter: @MDMdabs

Personal Facebook: www.facebook.com/dotkid

Join the MDABS Facebook Group: search for Maryland Association of Blind

Skype: christpher.nusbaum3 or search for Chris Nusbaum


"Together, we are changing what it means to be blind." - Motto of the
Louisiana Center for the Blind


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