[Blindtlk] Use of the Term Visually Impaired

Penny Duffy pennyduffy at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 00:05:27 UTC 2013

I am a sighted parent of blind child who only lurks on this list. I wanted
to give my perspective on this topic.   (i really hope you don't mind)

My daughter lost almost all her central vision 3 year ago at the age of 6.
While she does have some remaining sight we use the term blind. She is a
braille and cane user.   She is blind and there isn't anything wrong with
that.  When my daughter first became blind I couldn't even say the word
blind.  It was a journey for us to discard the term visually impaired and
use the term blind. I will say when i become comfortable saying blind and
accepted my daughter's blindness she become more comfortable with herself
and overcame the shame she felt for being blind.  I don't feel what any
term one uses is better than one over the other. Its about how the term
works for that person, be it blind, visually impaired, legally blind or
what ever. If they are comfortable with who they are how can it be wrong
its just a label.   I don't like the term visually impaired personally
because it implies my daughter is broken and she isn't broken.  She is
perfect.  Well pretty much...

My Blog - visionfora.blogspot.com

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