[Blindtlk] CD Insert Printing...

James Kelm jameskelm at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 18 06:19:05 UTC 2013

Dear friends,

    I am using Windows 7, with Microsoft Word 2010.  I am trying to find an accessible way for me to design, and print CD inserts.  I want to put data on a CD for example, and then print the label, and Jewel case insert in a way that will look nice, professional, and will be relatively easy to do.  I have regular sighted help for the final review, to look at color choices, centering, etc.  But I would like to be able to pretty much do it all independently until the final review.  Do any of you know either how to do this in my version of Word, or perhaps know of a different software program that is more accessible for this type of function?

    Thank you so much for your help!  You will be saving me a lot of extra money, and me requiring help from others, if I can design, and print these labels relatively independently.

Respectfully Yours in Christ,
Pastor James Kelm
True Hope Church of Duluth
Phone: (218) 727-4186
Church Office E-mail: office at thcduluth.org
Pastor's Direct E-mail: jameskelm at thcduluth.org
Web Site: www.thcduluth.org

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