[Blindtlk] Best places to live

Dave Mehringer davemehringer at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 16:44:56 UTC 2013

Thanks to everyone who has responded. I understand this is a very subjective subject; please don't take the subject line too literally. I was interested in having a discussion on where you live, and what you like and don't like about it as far as services you require for your disability. I agree to a point we can try as hard as necessary to make lives for ourselves where ever we happen to live, but my question was meant to probe quality of life issues. For example, yes I did what I had to do to live in Pasadena, but I didn't enjoy living there as much as I do where I am now, and a major factor in my opinions of both places are transportation related. I'm sure if I could drive I would have enjoyed the LA area more, but having to rely on public transit there was detrimental to my quality of life. 

If you like walking miles to get where you need to, excellent! You can live most anywhere. That's not my cup of tea, and that's what makes this discussion subjective (and therefore interesting IMO).

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