[Blindtlk] Blindness and Singleness

Jason Terryn 2corinthians5seven at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 20:21:47 UTC 2013

Hello everyone,

I am desperately in need of some advice. I am a totally blind Christian man
in my early twenties and I am single. It’s been my experience that it’s
extremely difficult for me to get dates. The few girls who do go out with
me never turn out to be serious about me. After several years of being
summarily rejected time without number and spending countless exhausting
hours overthinking my approach, I’m beginning to wonder if it is actually
something I’m doing (should I change my approach) or if its just a fact of
being blind and I need to accept it gracefully.

Has anyone else had this experience. I’m honestly unsure if I’m being
rejected because I am blind, or because there is something undesirable
about me. Could it be that blindness isa dealbreaker for most girls?

I feel like, despite my blindness I have a lot to offer. I am steady,
reliable, I have a job, I am tall and physically fit, I have a lot of
different skills and interests. On the whole, I feel that I’m a fairly
well-rounded individual and reasonably well-intergrated in society. Also
it’s not like I’m trying to get the most beautiful or desirable girls out
there. I just want ONE nice, pleasant girl who will like and accept me that
I can spend time with, and ultimately someone to marry. I don’t feel like
thats asking too much.

so if it is my blindness that is scaring girls off is there anything at all
that I could do to offset this reaction? Could it be that I’m not
presenting myself as confident enough or that they have some false
stereotypes in their mind that I need to overcome? Am I just giving up too
soon or is this really an almost hopeless situation?

This has all been extremely frustrating to me. Any advice would be greatly



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