[Blindtlk] Braille Converter

Brandon Olivares programmer2188 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 22:58:56 UTC 2014


I just learned the other day that there are braille characters in the unicode space (u+2800-28FF).

I started using this when I want to display braille on a page. I keep a music journal and like to show braille music excerpts along with the print music.

All of my music is in BRF, so I created a script to convert BRF to unicode. I tested it by pasting an entire brf file in and the entire thing was converted to unicode without errors.

Currently it only supports the 64 characters supported by 6-dot braille. I did not add dots 7 or 8 since it doesn’t have a direct translation as far as I know to brf.

I thought it might be useful to someone else. It has a web interface, and if anyone is interested I also have scripts that can be run on the command line.

You can see the web interface here: http://www.brandonolivares.com/braille/

As a test, you can enter something like this:

,? IS A TE/4

Select ascii to unicode and hit convert. You can also convert the other way.

Here is the same thing in unicode:


I hope this is useful to someone.


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