[Blindtlk] Volume Trouble in Windows 7!

James Kelm jameskelm at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 17 04:51:55 UTC 2014

Dear friends,

    I have what I hope is a simple problem to repair, but the affect of the problem has become extremely major for me!  Please help!!!

    On my Windows 7 machine, I have been recording weekly messages, as well as producing additional study material as needed/requested.  Everything has been going great, and I have been able to quickly and easily adjust levels in order to record a nice recording.  I don’t know if it had anything to do with it or not, but recently I installed a digital tuner for my guitar.  I didn’t care for it, so I uninstalled the little program.  Now I have noticed the huge problem that I hope that someone can help me with!

    When I go to the Sounds & Audio Devices from the Control Panel, the regular volume controls are there: Speaker, Wave, Synth, and CD Player.  But, my volumes for recording such as Recording Volume and Playback volume are no longer there!!!  I now can not adjust levels for recording, which is a huge problem since now the playback volume is significantly different from the Recording level volume,.

    Does anyone know what happened, and how I can get my recording levels back?  Thank you so very much for your help!!!

Respectfully Yours in Christ,
Pastor James Kelm
True Hope Church of Duluth
Phone: (218) 727-4186
Church Office E-mail: office at thcduluth.org
Pastor's Direct E-mail: jameskelm at thcduluth.org
Web Site: www.thcduluth.org

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