[Blindtlk] Putting reflective tape on my cane?

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 01:55:07 UTC 2014

Hi all,
I have an NFB cane with no reflective tape on it. Today my mother read
me a news story about two blind students getting hit by a car and then
pleaded with me to get some reflective tape on my cane, in the same
tone she used to convince me not to climb the monkey bars as a child.
You know, because if something bad happens to another blind person my
risk of getting hurt automatically goes up. I have been crossing
streets at night for years with no issues, and although Seattle gets
dark early, I rarely travel outside after 4:00 p.m. except to walk
around the corner from the bus stop or upstairs from the parking
garage. I also trust in my ability to hear traffic. I'm just curious
if you guys have the tape on your canes or not and if not, why not? I
remember hearing that NFB left the tape off their canes intentionally.
Does anyone know the reason for that? I don't really want to add the
tape but am not sure whether or not it is worth fighting with Mom
about. Thoughts?

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