[Blindtlk] Feeling disre-spected, how to handle

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Wed Oct 1 17:27:17 UTC 2014

Having read all stories about blind/sighted brother/sister rivalries, I
have been compelled to share mine.

I'm 40 years old.  I could never get along with my sister, still cannot,
to this day, LOL!  There were times like I felt all alone, but my mom
always encouraged me.  One time, when I was being very close to my French
poodle, Sparky, we developed aunbreakable bond.  Monica found this as
jealousy, I found it as a way to calm my nerves.  She would often yell at
him, but her relationship wasn't strained, either.  It would be the simple
things like "stop barking," or "don't scavenge in the trash."  But we sang
to him, he sang back.

i got tired of being bossed around, so when I got older, I began to
remind her to drop the lectures, it wouldn't help.  All this to say: If you
don't nip it in the bud now, family will walk all over you if you act like
a rug.

Arielle, you are a go-getter.  I don't care if the female I marry is 6
feet tall or my height, 5-9; I don't care if she's blind.  I do care about
family and community.  And I will use every opportunity to educate her
family.  My problem is that I'm running into the wrong kinds of females,
ones who want men for money, rather than a true relationship; ones who want
to bad-mouth me because I love animals, dogs, especially, and I love to
cuddle, and ones who don't care about anything else but sex, sex, sex.  Do
I have a witness who can help me out with practical advice?


Sighted and blind people, here's where you can find me: the Stairs
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to each other!  You deserve it!

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